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Electronics LPGTECH 214

review: 1

Electronics LPGTECH 214

214 is a modern microprocessor controllers with 48-pin harness, designed for motors up to 4-cylinder engines. They combine advanced technology with ergonomics. The control processor auto calibration, auto-tuning and a system of continuous monitoring and adjustment is locked in a small package with TECAMID with dimensions 114 x 140 x 36 mm. This material has the same properties as traditional aluminum housing. This allows the computer is small, lightweight and can be easily installed in any car.

Extended version TECH 214 is a much more powerful processor driver for more efficient control of the entire installation and operation of additional software functions such as temperature control, maintenance of frozen frames and faster oscilloscope (details). In addition, measurements of injection times are more accurate than the standard version.

The kit includes:

  1.      Driver Tech 214
  2.      The sensor in the tank (1090)
  3.      Pressure and temperature sensor PTS01
  4.      diode switch
  5.      wiring
  6.      Mounting Accessories

Price for a set of products.

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20.01.2021, 15:46
Bardzo dobra jakość. Polecam sklep!

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