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Electronics LPGTECH 304

review: 1
Producer: LPGTECH
Homologation: E8 67R-016025
E8 110R-006045

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Electronics LPGTECH 304

TECH 304 is a microprocessor-based controller in an aluminum housing with a traditional 56-pin harness. Drivers in this series are designed for 4-cylinder engines. .
Compact design with small dimensions - 190 x 125 x 30 mm allows the driver installation in hard to reach places.

TECH 304 standard version includes all of the above functions and security features, ensuring superior quality and performance. Auto-calibration and alignment of the system should not take you more than a quarter of an hour. Advanced autotuning feature ensures trouble-free operation of the gas system, monitoring the ongoing operation of the system and, if necessary, adjusting the gas injection times.

     Driver injection LPG / CNG
     Service gas injection into cylinders 4
     The algorithm TECH + automatic adjustment (adaptation)
     Self diagnosis, fault detection and fault installation
     Precise gas with automatic adjustment
     Configuration software with options and STANDARD TECH
     Full-circuit protection and thermal
     aluminum housing

The kit includes:

     Driver Tech 304
     The sensor in the tank (1090)
     Pressure and temperature sensor PTS01
     diode switch
     Mounting Accessories

Price for a set of products.

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24.02.2021, 09:18

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