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review: 1

Emulator FPE type of AC.

Emulator FPE type of AC signal emulates the fuel pressure in vehicles powered by LPG / CNG.


The gas engine power due to failure to receive fuel from the fuel rail, fuel pressure rises above the nominal value. As a result, the computer reduces petrol injection times (and / or reports an error). To avoid this problem, use an emulator such FPE.
The use of the emulator:

The emulator of this type is required in the following types of vehicles:

  • Ford Escape 3.0 V6
  • 2007 Explorer.
  • F150 since 2004
  • Jaguar X-Type 2.5i V6 24v Multipoint '02 XB (OBD)
  • Jaguar-engine 2.5l, 3.0l
  • Mustang 4.0
  • Volvo 2.4L 5-cylinder engine.

Fuel Pressure Emulator FPE can work well with others, not mentioned above, the fuel pressure sensor in the fuel terminal (mainly engines Ford group).

The price is for 1 unit of the product.

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20.11.2020, 09:31
This product ended all my problems on my mustang V8 4.6. Thanks to the team for there advices and quick sending!

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