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Mistral Jet injector 12 1 cyl Autronic Easy Jet

review: 1
Producer: AUTRONIC
Homologation: E3 67R-016016
E3 110R-006052

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Product Description

Injector 1 cyl. Mistral JET 12


     Dimensions: 43mmx24mmx24mm,
     Resistance: 15ohm,
     pressure: 0.45 to 0.8 bar.

Description of the application

The injector is a gas injection system component Autronic (Mistral / EASY JET), which is used for low pressure reducers work. The result using the regulator with a pressure of more than 0.8 bar to stop working injector.

LPG solenoid injector MISTRAL / EASYJET / POLIAUTO used in sequential gas injection systems. You can install as a single injection and in groups.

Considering engine power injectors are:

  •      Jet 9 - to 70HP,
  •      Jet 12 - 70-90HP,
  •      Jet 15 - 90-110HP,
  •      Jet 18 - 110-135HP,
  •      Jet 21 - 135-160HP.

The price is for 1 unit of the product.

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10.01.2021, 10:33

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