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Set CB Radio 550AM TTI TTI CB antenna x145

review: 1
Producer: TTI
not available from the producer

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Product description

Set: CB Radio 550AM tti TCB and CB antenna x145.


  • Rotary squelch noise reduction,
  • The fast access channel 9/19,
  • SCAN - scanning the channels,
  • 4W output power,
  • Modulation AM,
  • Auto Squelch,
  • 40 channels,
  • LOCK - Lock the keyboard
  • Microphone cable length 2m,
  • Connections: Antenna, EXT.


  •      CB radio tti TCB 550 AM,
  •      microphone,
  •      mounting bracket
  •      pendant microphone
  •      obłsugi instruction,
  •      CB antenna x145,
  •      Allen key for assembly / tuning.


Description of the application

CB radio 550AM company tti TCB is one of the smallest radio market. It has an automatic squelch and glitches so. ASC., FM modulation, the quick access to channel 19, the SCAN function.

CB antenna attached with magnetic base with a diameter of 14.5 cm. Its maximum output is 500W, and 4dB gain.

Price for a set of products.

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06.07.2020, 19:33
Bardzo dobra jakość. Polecam sklep!

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