
TIN 2,0 solder joints with flux CYNEL

review: 1

Cynel of solder joints with a diameter of 2,0 mm of the wire / the reel.

Tin LC60 Cynel company to stop S-Sn60Pb40 manufactured in the first melt of tin and lead in accordance with BS EN 29453:2000, in a continuous casting process without contact with air, and then extruded, in order to eliminate oxide occurrence.

Solder joints S-Sn60Pb40 is mainly used in the electronics industry, the production of standard equipment and electronic components, electrical components and solder tin of coatings, tin-lead acid batteries, cadmium, zinc and silver.


  •      manufactured in accordance with DIN EN 29453:2000, in order to eliminate oxide occurrence,
  •      tin content of 59.5% to 60.5%, about 40% of lead,
  •      minimum purity of 99.90% of raw materials used,
  •      melting temperature of 183oC to 190 ° C,
  •      temperature from 320oC to 420oC,
  •      new product, pre-packaged,
  •      net weight of 0.10 kg.

The price is for 1 unit of the product.

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01.07.2020, 12:07
Fajna cyna

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