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Electronics LPGTECH 328

review: 1

Electronics LPGTECH 328

TECH 328 is a microprocessor-based controller in an aluminum housing with a traditional 56-pin harness. Drivers in this series are designed for up to 8 cylinder engines, depending on the version. It is also possible to connect two controllers in parallel, which allows you to control gas supply for engines up to 16 cylinders.
Compact design with small dimensions - 190 x 125 x 30 mm allows the driver installation in hard to reach places.

TECH 328 standard version includes all of the above functions and security features, ensuring superior quality and performance. Auto-calibration and alignment of the system should not take you more than a quarter of an hour. Advanced autotuning feature ensures trouble-free operation of the gas system, monitoring the ongoing operation of the system and, if necessary, adjusting the gas injection times.

     Driver injection LPG / CNG
     Support gas injection to 8 cylinders
     The algorithm TECH automatic adjustment (adaptation)
     The ability to connect controllers supporting up to 16 cylinders
     Self diagnosis, fault detection and fault installation
     Precise gas with automatic adjustment
     Configuration software with options and STANDARD TECH
     Full-circuit protection and thermal
     aluminum housing

The kit includes:

     Driver Tech 328
     The sensor in the tank
     Pressure and temperature sensor PTS01
     diode switch
     Mounting Accessories

Price for a set of products.

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28.03.2020, 18:06

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