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EmuTECH Pb-Pressure-02 Fuel Pressure EmulatorEmuTECH Pb-Pressure-02 Fuel Pressure Emulator

review: 1

Product Description

LPGtech Emutech PB Pressure 02 Fuel Pressure Emulator.

Technical Specifications

Package Contents

  • Emulator
  • Wiring harness
  • User manual

Application Description

  • The first on the market, this fuel pressure emulator works in any type of car that requires emulation of the fuel rail pressure.
  • Compatible with systems with both fixed and variable fuel pressure.
  • Fully configurable via PC.
  • This device not only emulates the fuel pressure sensor readings in response to the gasoline controller's request but also controls the pump to maintain the correct fuel pressure in the fuel rail.
  • The use of the emulator eliminates the need for a "fill" into the tank.

The fuel pressure emulator is an autonomous device supporting the operation of the gas installation. It is essential in cars that monitor fuel rail pressure. Driving on gas causes a lack of gasoline intake, resulting in an increase in gasoline pressure, which is interpreted as a fault in the car's fuel system. Some cars use injection timing correction based on fuel rail pressure, which leads to the car being out of tune and unable to run on gasoline. The emulator emulates the correct value of fuel rail pressure, as it would be at any given moment when driving on gasoline.

Designed for systems with both variable and fixed fuel pressure. Works in any type of car that requires fuel rail pressure emulation.

Price is for 1 unit of the product.

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26.01.2021, 09:47

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